I help women heal patterns of self sabotage & unhealthy relationships.

Step into your authenticity, heal your relationship patterns and find your power.

Ready to finally make a shift?

To all the women who have been doing their inner work and know their patterns yet feel stuck in actually making a change… I know how frustrating it feels to know what needs to shift, yet you are stuck in moving forward.  I’m here to help you to consciously create the life of their dreams.

Reveal your true and
authentic self

Create depth in your relationships​

Become confident
expressing your truth

This was me 5 years ago

I used to live my entire life attempting to gain the approval of others. I dated men who weren’t a good fit and treated me like an afterthought. I cared more about being worthy in their eyes than asking myself what I really wanted. I focused on the needs of others before my own, and I made choices to make other’s happy without even knowing what I actually wanted. I numbed away my feelings and lost myself entirely.

Does this sound like you?

You've done a lot of introspection work and have awareness of your patterns, yet you struggle to integrate lasting change...

You keep finding yourself in the same painful relationship dynamics but feel lost in shifting them...

You read endless self-development books but nothing you learn really sticks...

You tend to be very independent and have a ' I'll do it all myself' mentality...

I want you to know there is another way. You don't need to continue walking with your head down, recreating the same painful patterns time and time again.

When I started
my journey

It wasn’t until I stepped into the world of inner work and understanding relationship patterns that my healing began. I realized my worthiness and stopped relying on external validation. I called in the most amazing, deep, supportive friendships and community. 

I found my values and authenticity. I said no to unhealthy romantic relationships… Finally walking away from everyone who didn’t treat me with the same love and respect that I was giving myself.

I’m now in a healthy, supportive and caring relationship that keeps on deepening. I opened myself to give and receive love. I know I can get through what life presents to me because I have the tools and understanding to grow through challenges.

The secret of how I got here

I started using embodiment work to actually integrate everything my mind was learning about inner work. Over the years I’ve trained with countless world-class mentors in transpersonal psychology, family systems work, shadow work, somatic experiencing, conscious relationship teachings, depth psychology and ancestral resolution work.

I’ve now guided over 100 women through their own transformation.

The truths I learnt

The depth of love you can both give & receive is parallel with how deeply you love yourself

You may think you’re consciously creating your life, but your subconscious mind is really in charge. Hidden fears, beliefs and stored trauma will influence your life, whether you are aware of it or not.

You can’t change a behaviour or pattern simply through awareness, you have to know how to integrate real change through the body.

You are always attracting people and situations into your life that mirror your unconscious mind. If there is a pattern you want to end, it starts from within.

I'd like to introduce you to Alchemy, a 12 week relational inner work journey.

Imagine being your most expressive self, able to confidently set boundaries and make decisions.

Feel into what it would be like to not question yourself. If you could speak up, share what you have to say, connect with others confidently, and be comfortable walking away from relationships that aren't right for you.

Introducing Alchemy

Inner Alchemy is a 3 month long group or 1:1 program, so that you can be personally guided throughout your healing journey. In the safety of the container, you will be ‘revealing’ your authentic self through a series of exercises.

"I followed everything you taught me in the program, stated my non-negotiables from the beginning, told him my needs, held space for him without judgements…talking to him felt like a great energetic match! I couldn't be any happier with my decision. Because 5 months later WE GOT ENGAGED"

Rand Alkurd

Discover more

Book a 1:1 30 minute session with me to enquire about my group and individual programs.