The, Alchemy Program.

Transformation takes years but the skills you'll need can be acquired in just 3 months.

My life looked very different 5 years ago

Over the years I’ve trained with countless world-class mentors in transpersonal psychology, family systems work, shadow work, somatic experiencing, conscious relationship teachings, depth psychology and ancestral resolution work.

Over the years I’ve trained with countless world-class mentors in transpersonal psychology, family systems work, shadow work, somatic experiencing, conscious relationship teachings, depth psychology and ancestral resolution work.

Over the years I’ve trained with countless world-class mentors in transpersonal psychology, family systems work, shadow work, somatic experiencing, conscious relationship teachings, depth psychology and ancestral resolution work.

Get Started

This 3 phase program has been desinged to help you integrate real, lasting change in your relationships.

Phase 1

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You've done a lot of introspection work and have awareness of your patterns, yet you struggle to integrate lasting change...

I couldn’t be any happier with my decision. Because 5 months later, WE GOT ENGAGED! .


Understanding how your patterns and subconscious mind are operating

3 Months Live Coaching

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3 Months Live Coaching

Integer eu purus tellus. Aliquam et nulla ut lectus dictum sollicitudin. Nunc bibendum urna quis enim lobortis, ut ultrices ante ultricies. Sed ac accumsan est. Nam auctor et felis eget ornare.


The next round of Inner Alchemy will start in April- May. Pre-enrollment will begin on April 1st, 2022. Official dates TBA.

Primarily, what I look for when qualifying women for the program is the willingness to look deeply within themselves and take ownership of their lives. This work is not light, most women who come into my programs have done a fair amount of introspection or self exploration.

The materials I offer get everyone on the same page as far as teachings and theories go, so not to worry if you haven’t done much self-growth work so far.

This work is about empowerment, which means you have to be in ownership of your own contribution to the struggles you face in life & relationship. I’m here to help guide you through that ownership work without going into shame.

What I need is your willingness to explore parts of your mind that may feel uncomfortable to address.

*All of this is done with consideration towards your nervous system and trauma. Nothing I do is forceful, you have full autonomy to participate in what you choose.

The program is 3 months long. There are 3 months of training modules, live group sessions, messaging support and community slack channel access.

Each call is 2 hours long, and we meet on a weekly basis. We take a few integration weeks to let everything land. There are 10 sessions in total.

You get to keep access to the training materials and Toolbox Resource Library for life.

The methods I use are different from traditional talk therapy models. They are based on Jungian Shadow Work principles, where we focus on parts of your psyche that you are unaware of. I also work with family systems analysis, ancestral resolution work, somatic experiencing and conscious relationship principles.

Bringing all of these teachings, tools and practices together allows us to work together at both a mind & body level.

In my experience, working with these two levels at the same time provides the most transformation and lasting integration.

It’s not easy work, and it takes a willingness on your end to make change possible. I do, however, have many tools and years of experience to make this journey approachable and applicable.

The investment varies based on time of enrolment, payment plan options, and flexibility pricing based on your needs.

I like to meet people where they are at, so I offer a diverse range of options.

All of this is covered during the application process. No commitment will be asked of you before you are made aware of the different pricing options.

This will all depend on two things:

1. How willing you are to fully ‘bring’ yourself to this work.

2. Your unique history, relationship patterns and goals.

I’ve had clients come out of my programs ending long-term unhealthy relationships only to get married to a secure, balanced partner a year later.

I’ve worked with clients who stopped playing small and doubting themselves so they could reach next level success in their careers and businesses.

I’ve had clients heal their relationships with their family members after years of distance and conflict.

I’ve helped a client walk through a breakup and being cheated on, only to come out stronger, happier and more clear on what she wanted.

This is just a lil snippet. You can learn more about the results my clients have had in the “Results” and “More Results” highlights section of my Instagram.

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Book a discovery call

Shortly after finishing our program, my cousin connected me with a childhood friend to get to know each other. I followed everything you taught me in the program... stated my non negotiables from the beginning, told him my needs, held space for him without judgements... talking to him felt like a great energetic match! It was different than what I was used to in the was slow, laid back and almost kinda boring initially. But it always felt healthy. And over time, attraction started to build. It was so strange to me because it wasn’t intense at all! But I gave it a chance and I couldn’t be any happier with my decision. Because 5 months later, WE GOT ENGAGED!

Carmo White

Found love and got engaged!

Shortly after finishing our program, my cousin connected me with a childhood friend to get to know each other. I followed everything you taught me in the program... stated my non negotiables from the beginning, told him my needs, held space for him without judgements... talking to him felt like a great energetic match! It was different than what I was used to in the was slow, laid back and almost kinda boring initially. But it always felt healthy. And over time, attraction started to build. It was so strange to me because it wasn’t intense at all! But I gave it a chance and I couldn’t be any happier with my decision. Because 5 months later, WE GOT ENGAGED!

Carmo White

Found love and got engaged!

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Carmo White

CEO - Trixtech

More questions?

Let's connect with a call

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